Let go of your shame-Inspired by Christine Caine

This past week I started a new women's Bible study at my church. It is called Unashamed by Christine Caine.
The study talks about how everyone feels shame, but especially women. We feel shame from things we have done in our past, bad choices we have made, things other people have done to us. And we allow those things and circumstances to define who we are. We label ourselves "unworthy", "unlovable", or "not enough". 
We fail to remember how God see us.
That we are loved. We are His child. Even though we are flawed and sinful, there is nothing we can do that would make Him stop loving us. 
It really made me think while watching Christine speak, how easy it is for us to believe the lies others tell us or the lies we tell ourselves than to believe what truth God says about us. And I still wonder why that is. It seems so backwards.
One women at my table shared a conversation she had with a friend. She was upset and putting herself down when her friend stopped her. Her friend said, "Would you let someone else say those things about you? Then why do you say them about yourself?"
It was really eye opening how easy it is for us to believe these lies we are telling ourselves.
Christine kept talking about our "who" and our "do". What you "do" does not define "who" you are. They are completely separate categories. Your identity in Christ is the one and only opinion that matters.
This is something I have struggles with myself. I have and still do believe that I am not enough for people. I never seem to measure up. I feel unlovable because of struggles I am still going through. I have thought many times "what guy would want to be with me?". I know how God feels about me, but I need to learn to constantly remind myself of it and believe it.
Disclaimer: I was not contacted by Christine or her team to talk about this. This is my own experience and I wanted to share.

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