Inspiration and Rambles — Mind health

Easier but Not Worth it

believe christian faith godislove Inspirational Mind health Mind wellness trustgod

Easier but Not Worth it

I have been reading “Nothing to Prove” by Jennie Allen and it has spoken directly to that ache of “not-enoughness” that I have felt for way too long.    I think that we all feel this way to some degree, but women are especially prone to it. Past the constant pressures that society put on us, we also get it from our family, friends and co-workers.    In the internet obsessed world we live in, our lives are so busy and jam packed that we crave time to do “nothing”. We justify looking at our phone to “relax” for 5...

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Change and Mental health

Be strong Body wellness Change Mental health Mental health stigma Mind health Mind wellness Talk about it

  C H A N G E. . January has been a difficult month to say the least. (Even though it flew by! ) . I appreciate when people are honest and genuine and I believe that mental health needs to be discussed more. . I have been dealing with depression for most of my life. This past month, it has probably been the worst it has ever been. I have been on a roller coaster of emotions and in some pretty dark places. . I am not magically better but I am somehow in a place were a small...

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